Mom saves toddler from crocodile by sticking fingers up reptile’s nose

Note to the wise: If you're ever attacked by a crocodile — stick your fingers up its nose.

A mother in Zimbabwe rescued her toddler from a killer croc this week by jamming her fingers up the reptile's nose.

Maurina Musisinyana, 30, had left her two children playing under an umbrella on the bank of the Runde River while she went fishing nearby when she heard a scream and saw her son Gideon being dragged away by the huge reptile.

Musisinyana jumped on the beast and used her fingers to block its nose, forcing it to release its grip on the boy, according to the Mirror. During the encounter, she was bitten on the hand.

"I pressed its nose hard, a tip I learnt from the elders long back, Musisinyana, from Chihosi village, told the paper.

"If you ­suffocate a crocodile from its nose, it loses its strength and that is exactly what I did. I used my other arm to free my baby's head from its jaws. Even to this day, I still do not believe I rescued my son."

Gideon was taken to a nearby hospital and has since made a full recovery.

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